Say hello to...

Bryce Terry

Game On, Claremont

“Consistency is paramount.”

Having been subjected to the generic ‘one size fits all’ approach to fitness in the early stages of his fitness journey, Bryce sought to educate himself on the potential of more effective, intelligent and personalised programming. This instilled within him a passion for helping others to redefine and realise their own potential. Bryce now loves to provide the opportunity for anyone to pursue their passion in a safe and supportive environment.

Everyone has a unique journey that takes its own shape in time. For those new to fitness, Bryce believes consistency is paramount when it comes to forming habits. Make a habit out of being consistent first, even if it means doing only 2 push-ups a day.

Bryce describes his training style as highly inquisitive, tailoring his clients’ programs to their individual needs and desired outcomes.

When he’s not busy training clients in the gym, Bryce enjoys playing and creating music.


Get to know Bryce

Dogs or cats?

What’s your favourite meal?
Spaghetti carbonara

What is your favourite gym exercise?
Power cleans or deadlifts

Contact Bryce

Fill out the form below and to train with Bryce.

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